Terms and Conditions


Permission to electronically Business Conduct and Disclosure Risk :

  1. Applications electronically. If you decide to create a Trading Account with BullishFX you agree to receive a Risk Disclosure Statement, Treaty Trader, Trader Account Letter, and Off Exchange Transaction Disclosure electronically.
  2. Electronic communication. Risk Disclosure Statement, Trader Agreement, Trader Account Letter, and Off Exchange Transaction Disclosure, and any notices, instructions, agreements, or other communications Transactions and your Account (all of which is referred to here as the “Communications”) may be served, sent, stored, retrieved, and transmitted electronically.
  3. Implementation of the Electronic Transactions. Agreement and the transactions will be carried out with the use of electronic records and electronic signatures.
  4. Doing Business in Electronic approve. The decision to do business electronically is yours, and you should consider whether you have the hardware and software capabilities are required. Your consent to do business electronically, and our agreement to do so, only applies to the establishment and maintenance of accounts and the execution of transactions relating to your account.
  5. Withdrawal of approval. You have the right to withdraw your consent to doing business electronically at any time. Withdrawal only applies to the customer’s bank account on behalf of itself and can not be sent to the account on behalf of others.
  6. Changes in your information. You must inform us of any changes an electronic mail address or other contact information.
  7. You may print this document by selecting Print from the File menu.
  8. Your ability to access the Communications. When you choose the “I Agree” below, you acknowledge that you have the ability to access the Communications.
  9. Approval of Electronic Communications. When you choose the “I Agree” button below, you agree to have all Communications provided or made available to you in electronic form.
  10. Approval for the implementation of electronic transactions. When you choose the “I Agree” button below, you agree to execute the Agreement and Transactions by electronic record and / or electronic signatures.


Risk Disclosure Statement

This brief statement (even though not required for OTC Trading) does not disclose all of the risks and other significant aspects of trading in leveraged investments.

Given these risks, you should undertake such transactions only if you understand the nature of the contracts (and contractual relationships) into which you are entering and the extent of your exposure to risk.

You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your experience, objectives, financial resources and other circumstances.

1.   Effect of Leverage or Gearing

Transactions in OTC accounts carry a high risk with the amount of initial margin is small relative to the value of the OTC contract so that transactions are leveraged or geared.

A relatively small market movement will be proportionately larger impact on the funds you have deposited or will be deposited, this can work against you and work for you.

You may experience a loss of initial margin funds and any additional funds deposited to maintain the position of your company. If the market moves against your position or margin levels are increased, you may be asked to defend your position.

If the market moves against your position or margin levels are increased, you may be required to pay substantial additional funds on short notice to maintain your position.

If you fail to meet the request for additional funds within the time prescribed, your position may be liquidated at a loss.


2.   Risk-reducing orders or strategies

Placement of certain orders (eg stop-loss orders, where permitted under local law, or stop-limit orders) which are intended to limit losses to certain amounts may not be effective because market conditions may not allow to execute such orders.

Strategies using combinations of positions, such as spread and straddle positions may be as risky as taking a position LONG or SHORT simple.


3.   Terms and conditions of the Forex Trading

You should ask the companies that deal with you about the terms and conditions of the specific currencies which you are trading and associated obligations (eg the circumstances under which you are required to make or take delivery of the full currency value).


4.   Suspension or restriction of trading and pricing relationships

Market conditions (eg liquidity) and / or the operation of the rules of certain markets (eg suspension of trading in any currency because of price limits, government intervention or “circuit breakers”) may increase the risk of loss by making it difficult or impossible to effect transactions or liquidate / close position.


5.   Deposited cash and property

You should familiarize yourself with the protections accorded money or other property you deposit for domestic and foreign transactions, particularly in the event of insolvency or bankruptcy of the company. The extent to which you may recover your money or property may be governed by specific legislation or local rules.

In some jurisdictions, property which had been specifically identifiable as your own will be pro-rated in the same manner as cash for purposes of distribution in the event of a decline.


6.   Commission and other charges

Before you begin to trade, you should obtain a clear explanation of all commission, fees, markups, markdowns, rollovers, interest rate differential and other charges which would you take.These charges will affect your net profit (if any) or increase your loss.


7.   Transactions in other jurisdictions

Transactions on currencies of other countries in other jurisdictions, including markets formally linked to a domestic market, may expose you to additional risk. Such markets may be subject to regulation which may offer different or diminished members protection.

Before you trade you should inquire about any rules relevant to your particular transactions. Your local regulatory authority will be unable to compel the enforcement of the rules of regulatory authorities or markets in other jurisdictions where your transactions have been effected.

You should ask the firm with which you deal for details about the types of redress available in both your home jurisdiction and other relevant jurisdictions before you start to trade.


8.   Currency risks

Advantages and disadvantages of transacting in foreign currency contracts (whether they are traded in your own jurisdiction or elsewhere) will be affected by fluctuations in currency rates where there is a need to convert from the currency of the contract to another currency.


9.   Trading Facilities

OTC business is not traded on a regulated market and therefore does not require open-outcry, Even though quotations or prices are afforded by many computer-based component systems, but the quotations and prices may vary due to market liquidity.

Many electronic trading facilities are supported by computer-based component systems for the order-routing, execution or matching of trades.

With all these facilities and systems, they are vulnerable to temporary disruption or failure. Your ability to recover certain losses may be subject to limits on liability imposed by the system provider, the market, the bank and / or financial institutions.

The limits may vary, you should ask the company you are dealing with the details in this regard. BullishFX offer CFD trading on shares, indices and futures markets, not trading in the underlying instruments themselves.

Therefore, CFD Trading with BullishFX not entitle the Trader to dividends, transmit, or possibly certain other characteristics in terms of buying or selling the underlying instrument.

Furthermore, CFD and Foreign Exchange trading with BullishFX not conducted on any futures or stock exchange and is not subject to the rules of a futures or any securities exchange.


10.  Electronic trading

Trading on an electronic trading system may differ not only from trading in the interbank market but also from trading on other electronic trading systems. If you undertake transactions on an electronic trading system, you will face the risks associated with the system, including hardware and software failures. As a result of system failure is your order is either not executed according to your instructions or is not executed at all.


11.  Risk Warning

  • Email that you use will be the media to recover password BullishFX account, MT4 account and others that relate to your financial transactions at BullishFX. Risks that arise due to the negligence of maintaining the confidentiality of your email is not our responsibility.
  • Trading the financial markets carries a high level of risk since leverage can work both to your advantage and disadvantage. As a result, trading the financial markets may not be suitable for all peoples because you may lose all of your invested capital. You should not risk more than you are prepared to lose. Before deciding to trade, you need to ensure that you understand the risks involved taking into account your trade objectives and level of experience. Seek independent advice if necessary. The law and regulation of trading the financial market for each country may different, If there is a dispute, the Parties agree to use the law and regulation in the Seychelles to resolve the dispute.
  • We strongly recommend that you do not allow your MT4 Account to be traded by other parties, including Marketers or Agent of BullishFX.
  • Along with the development of technology and information that can cause reduction in Performance and Security on the BullishFx Transaction System and Platform, if you are indicated or proven to cooperate with our Agent in making transactions by utilizing these weaknesses, then all transactions that have been made can be canceled.
  • If you are indicated or proven to influence our Agent to assist you in making Transactions for both yourself and the group with the lure of giving gifts or promising to share profits with our Agent, all transactions that have been made can be canceled.



1.  Internet and System failures :

Since BullishFX not control signal power, its reception or routing via Internet, configuration of your equipment or reliability of its connection, we can not be responsible for communication failures, distortions, delays, when you are trading on-line (via Internet).

In addition, losses or foregoing profits in Trader’s account are the responsibility of traders, not BullishFX, even if software, hardware, or other system failures or errors contributed to the loss or gain of the past.

2.  Market risk and trade on-line : 

Trading currencies involves risks that are not suitable for everyone. See Trader Agreement for more detailed description of these risks.

Trading on-line no matter as comfortable or efficient as any, does not necessarily reduce risks associated with currency trading.

3.  Password protection :

The Trader is obligated to keep passwords secret and ensure that third parties do not obtain access to the trading facilities.

Trader will be liable to BullishFX for trades done in this way even if such use may be wrong.

4.  Quoting errors :

If the dealer quoting errors occur due to wrong typing a quote, errors in an automatic price fee, or erroneous price quote from a dealer, such as but not limited to large error quote numbers, BullishFX will not be responsible for errors in account balances.

BullishFX reserves the right to make necessary corrections or adjustments on the account involved.

Any dispute arising from such quoting errors will be resolved on the basis of fair market value of a currency or CFD at the time such an error occurred.


Account Letter

It is a legal contract between BullishFX (“BullishFX”), its successors and assigns, and the party executing this document.

In connection with opening an account to speculate and / or purchase and / or sell Contracts For Difference (hereinafter referred to as CFDs), Futures, indexes, foreign exchange, and / or shares through the OTC market (hereinafter referred to as OTC) with BullishFX, Customer (hereinafter referred to as Trader) acknowledges that Trader has been advised and understands the following factors concerning trading in leveraged OTC, in addition to those listed in the Risk Disclosure Statement and Statement of Insolvency (Bankruptcy Statement) following which has been given to the Trader.

  1. OTC is not traded on an exchange that has regulation. There are no guarantees to the credit worthiness of the counterparty of the position of your currency. Every effort has been made to deal with reputable credit bank / clearing house. Also, there may be certain cases in which trading liquidity decreases causing trading in a particular currency stopped, thereby preventing the liquidation of an adverse position which may result in substantial financial loss.
  2. Trading in OTC is suitable only for those sophisticated institutions or sophisticated participants financially able to withstand losses and may equal the value of margins or deposits. OTC accounts are not available through BullishFX for regular participants.
  3. BullishFX market recommendations based only on assessment BullishFX personnel. These market recommendations may or may not be consistent with the market positions or expectations BullishFX, affiliates, and employees. BullishFX market recommendations are based on reliable information, but BullishFX can not and does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness or represent that following such recommendations will eliminate the risks inherent in currency trading. Any market recommendations, or information provided by BullishFX not always constitute an offer to buy or sell, or a solicitation to buy or sell, any OTC transaction.
  4. Trader understands that BullishFX not permit its Account Executives exercise discretion or manage an OTC account, or hold power over an OTC account, unless approved by an executive officer BullishFX and only after proper documentation has been submitted and approved by BullishFX. If the account is not traded by the authority Trader, Trader BullishFX must immediately notify the Compliance Officer.
  5. BullishFX margin policy and / or policies of the banks / clearing house where trading is executed may require that additional funds be given to the appropriate account margin Trader and Trader is obligated to immediately meet such margin requirements. Failure to meet margin demands can lead to the liquidation of any open positions with the resulting loss. BullishFX also reserves the right to refuse to accept any order.
  6. Trader understands that Trader must carefully review the reports relating to trading, Trader provided to Trader by BullishFx. In accordance with the Trader Agreement, all reports of execution will be deemed final within twenty-four (24) hours and all statements of account will be deemed final within one (1) day, unless the Trader makes a written objection to these reports within 24 hours of the time for officials BullishFX executive, at the principal place of business.
  7. Traders have read, understood Traders rights obligations based on the following Trader Agreement, agrees and acknowledges that the following Trader Agreement will control the Trader’s relationship with BullishFX. Trader agrees that Trader is fully responsible for making all final decisions for transactions effected for Trader’s account. Trader has considered the factors mentioned above, in view of the current traders and financial resources that have been anticipated, Trader is willing and able to bear a substantial financial risk in OTC trading.

Trader Agreement

In consideration BullishFX agreed to carry one or more accounts of the undersigned (“Trader”) and providing services to Trader in connection with the purchase and sale of CFDs, futures, indexes, foreign exchange, and / or shares through the OTC market, which can bought or sold through BullishFX for the account (s) of Trader, Trader agrees as follows:


BullishFX authorized to purchase and sell OTC for the account (s) in accordance with the instructions Trader Trader, whether oral or written or computer.



All transactions under this Agreement shall be subject to the constitution, by-laws, rules, regulations, customs, usage, rules and interpretations of the counter party institution or other interbank market and clearing organization, if any, in which this is done for all legal and regulations.

If any further legislation will apply any rule or regulation or later be adopted by any governmental authority or contract market or clearing organization which shall be binding BullishFX and will affect in any manner or be inconsistent with the provisions of Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed modified or superseded, as the case may be with the provisions of applicable law, the rule or regulation, all other provisions of this Agreement and the provisions should continue to apply fully modified.

Trader acknowledges that all transactions under this Agreement are subject to the regulatory requirements and Trader thus will not be given legal or contractual rights that are independent of such requirements.



Trader shall provide and maintain BullishFX margin in such amounts and in the form required BullishFX.

Such margin requirements may be greater or less than margins required by a counter party bank, BullishFX may change margin requirements at any time.

Trader agrees to deposit additional margin downloading via direct transfer when and as required by BullishFX and will promptly meet all margin demand in the transmission mode according BullishFX policy.

BullishFX may at any time proceed to liquidate Trader’s account and any failure committed by BulishFX to enforce its rights under this shall not be deemed a waiver by BullishFX thereafter to enforce rights.

BullishFX reserves the right to limit the amount and / or total open positions that Trader may be obtained or maintained in BullishFX, and increase margin requirements on individual share CFDs to profit or news or other events, with or without notice, either before the event occurs or is receding .

BullishFX will attempt to execute all orders which may, in its sole discretion, choose to accept in accordance with the instructions oral or written or computer from Trader.

BullishFX reserves the right to refuse to accept any order. However, BullishFX not responsible for any loss or damage caused, directly or indirectly, by any events, actions or omissions beyond the control BullishFX including, without limitation, loss or damage resulting, directly or indirectly, from any delays or inaccuracies in the transmission of orders and / or information due to a breakdown or failure of any transmission or communication facilities.


Unless otherwise specified in other documents, or in the Trading Procedures will be in effect from time to time, unless the Trader provides written or oral instructions to BulishFX to liquidate open positions in FOREX Account (each, “Spot FOREX Position”) in accordance with the subsequent provisions of section 4 of this, the position will be extended automatically taken over as the open positions in the account to the next business day, successively, subject at all times as BullishFX rights, in the sole and absolute discretion, to liquidate positions mentioned in accordance with the provisions of Agreement this, including, without limitation, the provisions of Article 6 of Government Regulation below.

A Spot FOREX Position in the Account can be resolved or liquidated at any time by

  • entering into offsetting Spot FOREX Position or
  • make or accept delivery of foreign currency in a certain amount.

In order to liquidate an open Spot FOREX Position in the Account by selling or buying, as applicable, the contract offsetting Spot FOREX Position equal and opposite, written instructions should be given to BullishFX by Trader, or in order to liquidate an open Spot FOREX Position in the Account in a manner deliver, or take delivery of the underlying currency, oral or written instructions to this effect must be given to BullishFX, together with sufficient funds and all documents necessary to carry out the completion of this mode.



All funds, securities, currencies, and other property belonging to traders that can at any moment be brought by or affiliated BullishFX for Trader (either individually, jointly with others, or as a guarantor of the account of others), or which may be any while in the possession or control or carried in the books for any purpose, including storage, must be held by BullishFX as security and subject to a general lien and right of set-off for liabilities Trader to BullishFX, whether BullishFX has made progress or not in connection with securities , commodities, currencies or other property, and irrespective of the number of accounts Trader may have with BullishFX.

In its discretion, may BullishFX any time and from time to time, without notice to Trader, will use and / or transfer any or all funds or other property belonging to Trader Trader account among others.

Trader hereby also grants BullishFX right to pledge, pledge again, pledge, invest or loan, either separately or with the property of other Traders, to itself as broker or to others, securities or other property owned by BullishFX Trader held as margin or security.

In a short time, BullishFX also be sent to Trader the identical property delivered to or purchased by any account BullishFX Trader.

This authorization applies to all accounts carried by BullishFX for Trader and shall remain in full force until all accounts are fully paid for by Trader or notice of revocation is sent by BullishFX from its headquarters.



In terms of Liquidation Account and Balance Payments Deficit:

a.   judicial declaration of incompetence of Trader.

b.   Filing of the petition in bankruptcy, or request the appointment of a receiver, or the institution of any insolvency or similar process by or against Trader.

c.   the filing of an attachment against Trader accounts carried by BullishFX.

d.   insufficient margin, or the provision BullishFX that any collateral deposited to protect one or more accounts Trader is inadequate, regardless of current market quotations, to secure the account.

e.   Trader’s failure to provide the requested information BullishFX accordance with this agreement.

f.   Other circumstances or developments are deemed appropriate by BullishFX for protection, and the policy BullishFX, it may take one or more, or part of the following actions:

–  Traders meet every obligation to BullishFX, either directly or by way of security of tenure, outside of any funds or property

traders who are in the custody or control.

–  Sell or purchase any or all Currency contracts, securities held or carried for Trader.

–  Cancel any or all orders or contracts, or other commitments made ​​on behalf of Trader.

One of the above actions may be taken without demand for margin or additional margin, without prior notice of sale or purchase or other notice to Trader, Trader’s personal representatives, heirs, executors, administrators, trustees, or assigns and regardless of whether the property should be borne Trader’s or held jointly with others.

In liquidate positions in a LONG or SHORT-owned Trader, BullishFX may, in its sole discretion, compensate in the same settlement or it may conduct a new long or short positions in order to establish a spread or straddle which may be in a single decision BullishFX advisable to protect or reduce existing positions in Trader account.

Any sales or purchases hereunder may be made according to BullishFX judgment and at its discretion with any interbank or other exchange market where such business is then usually transacted or at a public auction or private sale, and BullishFX may purchase the whole or any part thereof free from any right of redemption.

Trader shall at all times be liable for the payment of any deficit balance of Trader upon demand by BullishFX and in all cases, Trader shall be liable for any deficiency remaining in Trader account(s) in the event of the liquidation thereof in whole or in part by BullishFX y or by Trader.

In the event the proceeds realized pursuant to this authorization are insufficient for the payment of all liabilities of Trader due to BullishFX, trader shall promptly pay upon demand, the deficit and all unpaid liabilities, together with interest thereon equal to three (3) percentage points above the then prevailing prime rate at BullishFX principal bank or the maximum interest rate allowed by law, whichever is lower, and all costs of collection, including attorney fees, witness fees, travel expenses and the like.



Traders must pay all brokerage, commissions, and special service charges and regulatory costs because BullishFX from time to time may charge a fee for the account, and all other expenses (including without limitation, cross-currency overnight interest debits, mark-up and mark-down , cost statements, order cancellation charges, account transfer fees and other costs) and wage BullishFX (including without limitation, the fees charged by any bank, clearing house, a contract market or regulatory organization or its own regulations) of service provided by BullishFX below.

BullishFX may at any time change the schedule of commissions, as well as increase or decrease the cost and / or wages to be paid under this agreement without notice. Trader agrees to be responsible to BullishFX for the over all interest and all amounts due from Trader to BullishFX below, including without limitation, the amount of margin required is not deposited on time in the Account, the interest rate is equal to 2 (two) percentage points above the prevailing interest rate on the main bank BullishFX abroad, or the maximum interest rate permitted by applicable law, whichever is lower.

All fees must be paid to the BullishFX be paid by the trader when it happens, or is determined by the sole and absolute discretion BullishFX and other charges directly from the account. In terms of deposits and / or credit balance in the account is insufficient to cover other expenses, the unpaid balance of the fee will automatically become a debit balance in the account, as far as the subject is not covered under the same conditions related thereto as described in Point 6 above.



Report order confirmation and account statements for the Account shall be deemed correct and shall be conclusive and binding Trader if not objected in writing within one (1) day after being sent to Trader via email. Demand Margin considered final and binding unless objected Trader immediately by email. Part of a written objection made ​​by Trader should be directed to BullishFX and deemed received only if actually been delivered to BullishFX. Trader’s failure to submit a timely objection shall be deemed ratification of all actions taken by BullishFX or BullishFX agent.



Reports, statements, notices and other communications may be sent to the address designated by traders from time to time will provide written notification to BullishFX. So all communication is sent either via email or Customer Care.



BullishFX will not be responsible for delays in the transmission of orders due to breakdown or failure of transmission or communication facilities, power outage or any other reason beyond the control and anticipation BullishFX.

BullishFX shall only be liable for its actions directly attributable to negligence, willful misconduct or fraud on the part of BullishFX.

BullishFX not responsible for any losses arising from the failure of an agent or any other party used by BullishFX under this agreement. Because OTC is not traded exchange market, where the price of a bid or quote BullishFX may or may not be equal to the price of the other OTC market makers.



If Trader directs BullishFX to trade Forex currency:

a.  Any profit or loss arising as a result of fluctuations in the exchange rate affecting such currency will be entirely for Trader’s account and risk.

b.  All initial and subsequent deposits for margin purposes shall be made ​​in United States dollars, the amount that may be required BullishFX in its sole discretion.

c.  BullishFX authorized to convert funds in Trader’s account for margin into and from such foreign currency at an exchange rate determined by BullishFX on the basis of market prices prevailing money.



Trader acknowledges that investments in leveraged transactions and non-leveraged is speculative, involves a high degree of risk and is suitable only for persons who can assume risk of loss of their entire margin deposit.

Trader understands that because of the low margin normally required in OTC trading, price changes in OTC may result in significant losses. Trader ensure that Trader is willing and able, financially and otherwise, to assume the risk of OTC trading, and in consideration of BullishFX bring his account, Trader agrees not to hold BullishFX hold accountable for losses incurred through following its trading recommendations or suggestions or of employees, agents or their representatives.


Trader recognizes that guarantees of profit or freedom from loss are impossible of performance in OTC trading. Trader acknowledges that Trader has received no such guarantees from BullishFX or from any of its representatives or any introducing agent or other entity with whom Trader is conducting his/her BullishFX account and has not entered into this agreement in consideration of or in reliance upon any such guarantees or similar representations.



a.  Trader acknowledges that (i) any market recommendations and information communicated to Trader by BullishFX or by any person within the company, does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation to buy OTC contract, (ii) such recommendation and information, although based upon information obtained from sources believed by BullishFX reliable, brokers may only based on the opinion and that such information may not be complete and can be verified, and (iii) BullishFX makes no representation, warranty or guarantee and is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the information or recommendation trade submitted to the Trader.

Trader acknowledges that the officers, directors, affiliates, associates, stockholders or representatives of BullishFX may have positions or may intend to buy or sell currencies that are the subject of market recommendations furnished to Trader, and that the market position of its officers, directors, affiliates, associates , stockholder or representative may not BullishFX consistent with the recommendations provided to Trader by BullishFX.

Trader acknowledges that BullishFX makes no representations concerning the tax implications or treatment of contracts.

b.  Trader further acknowledges that should Trader members trading authority or control over Trader’s account to a third party (“Trading Agent”), whether on a discretionary basis or non-discretionary, BullishFX will in no way be responsible for reviewing the options Trading Agent nor making recommendations with respect thereto.

Trader understands that BullishFX not make any warranties or representations concerning the Trading Agent, BullishFX not responsible for damages caused by the actions Trader Trading Agent and by implication or otherwise, BullishFX will not support or approve of the operating methods of Trading Agent. If Trader gives the Trading Agent authority to exercise this right through the Trader’s account (s), Trader understands that Trader does so at his own risk.



Trader represents and warrants that:

a.  Trader of sound mind, have a valid identity and legal competence.

b.  No person other than Trader has or will have an interest in Trader’s account (s).

c.  Trader hereby warrants that regardless of any determination after the contrary, Trader is suitable to trade OTC and is an institution and / or sophisticated institutional participants.

d.  Trader is not currently an employee of the exchange, each company has a market where the majority of the capital stock, any member of the exchange and / or companies listed on the stock exchange, or any bank, or a trust or insurance company, and in this case if the trader has becomes the employee, Trader will promptly notify BullishFX at its headquarters in writing about the job.

e.  All of the information available in the information section of this booklet is correct and complete as of the date hereof and Trader will notify BullishFX immediately of any changes to such information.



Trader represents and warrants that the financial information disclosed to BullishFX in this document is an accurate representation of the Trader’s current financial condition. Trader represents and warrants that the Trader has very carefully considered the portion of Trader’s assets which the Trader considers to be Risk Capital. Trader recognizes that Risk Capital is the amount of money the Trader is willing to put at risk and if lost would not change the Trader’s lifestyle in any way. Trader agrees to immediately notify BullishFX if Trader had a change in financial condition so as to reduce Traders Net Worth, Liquid Assets and / or Risk Capital.



Trader acknowledges that Trader has no separate agreement with Trader’s broker or the employee or agent regarding the trading in the account BullishFX Trader in BullishFX, including any agreement to guarantee profits or limit losses in Trader’s account.

Trader understands that Trader must authorize every transaction prior to its execution unless Trader has delegated authority to another party by signing a limited trading authorization, and any disputed transactions must be brought to BullishFX Compliance Officer in accordance with the notice requirements of this Trader Agreement.

Trader agrees to indemnify and keep BullishFX from all forms of danger and liability arising from the failure to notify BullishFX Trader Compliance Officer of each of the events mentioned above.

All notices required under this section must be sent to the head office BullishFX.



No provision of this Agreement may be waived or amended unless the waiver or amendment is in writing and signed by both Trader and an authorized officer of BullishFX. No waiver or amendment of this Agreement may be implied from any course of dealing between the parties or from any failure by BullishFX or its agents to assert its rights under this Agreement on any occasion or series of occasions. No oral agreements or instructions to the contrary shall be recognized or enforceable. This instrument and the attachments hereto embody the entire agreement of the parties, superseding any and all prior written and oral agreements and there are no other terms, conditions or obligations other than those contained herein.



This Agreement, and the rights and obligations hereunder of the parties hereto, shall in all respects be governed by, and construed and enforced in all respects by the international laws governing such matters.



This Agreement, including all authorizations shall inure to the benefit of BullishFX and its successors and assigns, whether by merger, consolidation or otherwise, and shall be binding upon Trader and / or the owner, executive, supervisors, administrators, legal representatives, successors and assigns of Trader.

Trader hereby ratifies all transactions with BullishFX made ​​prior to the date of this Agreement, and agrees that the rights and obligations of Trader in respect thereto shall be governed by the provisions of this Agreement.



This Agreement will continue in effect until terminated at any time and may be terminated by Trader when Trader has no open Currency positions and no liabilities held or debt to BullishFX upon receipt of the actual receipt of written notice of termination of this Agreement by BullishFX its head office, or whenever by BullishFX after delivery of written notice of termination to Trader is available, and that such termination will not affect prior transactions undertaken and shall not relieve either party of any obligations set out in this Agreement and shall not relieve Trader of any obligations arising from the balance deficit.



Trader agrees to indemnify and keep BullishFX, affiliates, employees, agents, successors and assigns from and against any danger and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, incurred by BullishFX arising out of Trader’s failure to meet and timely perform Trader this Agreement or any of the representations and warranties are not accurate and true.

Trader also agrees to immediately pay to BullishFX for all damages, costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, incurred by BullishFX to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement and any other agreement between BullishFX and Trader.



The term “BullishFX” will be considered as BullishFX, divisions, successors and assigns, the term “Trader” means the party or parties who carry out the Agreement, and the term “Agreement” shall include all other agreements and authorizations made ​​by Trader in connection with the maintenance of Trader’s account with BullishFX whenever it is implemented.
Title clause in this Agreement is inserted for convenience of reference only and should not be deemed to limit or affect the application of the meaning of any of its provisions.



Trader agrees and acknowledges that all conversations regarding Trader account(s) between Trader and BullishFX  personel may be electronically recorded with or without the use of an automatic tone warning device.

Trader further agrees to the use of such recordings and transcripts thereof as evidence by either party in connection with any dispute or proceeding that may arise involving Trader or BullishFX.

Trader understands that BullishFX destroys such recordings at regular intervals in accordance with BullishFX established business procedures and Trader hereby consents to such destruction.



Interest on open positions is paid on a daily basis, regardless of position direction.


I declare to have qualified in age and all other requirements needed to make the agreement and is responsible under international law.